It's November 3rd. It's Cuddle Dud Time in Minnesota!
Cuddle Duds are the MOST comfortable "long johns" available to us Northern Ladies. They feel soft and, well, cuddly against your skin. They don't bulk up when you try to pull your pants over them and they don't add an extra pound, as I tend to feel that traditional long underwear do. Soft, silky, Cuddle Duds. I'm wearing mine now!
I truly think Cuddle Duds should hire me to write ads for them. I could come up with new ads allllll winter long for them! I should know! I'm their biggest fan! Hee hee.
Now, some insider tips for wearing Cuddle Duds;
1. A gal can tuck her turtleneck INTO her Cuddle Duds to feel super warm.
2. A gal can pull her socks OVER her Cuddle Duds to keep them in place as she pulls up her jeans, even insulated jeans when the subzero weather hits us. (Warning: Though the Cuddle Duds promise to not add extra pounds the insulated jeans are guaranteed to add a minimum of five up to around ten. You can choose warmth or you can choose slim. Your pick.)
3. A gal can never have too many Cuddle Duds.
4. Cuddle Duds make great gifts for mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, and basically any female who lives in or visits Minnesota and it's neighboring states.
5. Cuddle Duds can substitute for pajamas. They don't climb up your legs like flannel pj's.
Now go out and get thee some Cuddle Duds! Unless your winters are more fortunate than mine and you live in a state that is warmer.
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