Where did 2008 go? I feel like I spent the past year in a time warp. I feel like it just vanished! So let's see...what happened?
January - awoke on the first day of 2008 at a friend's house after a New Year's Eve bash. Had coffee and breakfast, laughed like crazy, then went and got the kids to celebrate with them. Fabulous. Also gave a business presentation to close to 70 people, went to a surprise 30th birthday party for a friend, had a snow day school cancellation, and another birthday party. A good month.
February - Went to the MN State Dance Team Competition, my dad's birthday party, had to skip the trip to Mexico with my 2 girlfriend's and their husbands due to lack of jing, took the kids to the waterpark, Brought my girls to 2 of their own dance competition where they BOTH placed 1st in their divisions. A good month.
March - Dance pictures, Father-in-law's birthday, niece's bridal shower, a wonderful Easter celebration, another niece's birthday, and a GIRL'S WEEKEND (so fun!) A good month.
April - School carnival, Saw Horton Hears A Who with my friends and all of our kids, school choir concert for my girl Hans, another dance competition where they both took first place again, another snow day, got a new hairdoo, my niece got married, my daughter Hals had a choir concert, and we had a dance show. A good month.
May - Hals attended some communion classes, another niece's bridal shower, my step-mom's birthday, my son had a kindergarten program, went to the waterpark with the kids again, got a new computer as the old one began to go bye-bye, the kids sang at church, went and saw my grandma an hour away, Hans graduated the 4th grade, my niece turned 4, I went on a field trip to the Science Museum in Minneapolis with Hans's class and to the Dairy Queen with my son's class and then got to spend the entire last day of kindergarten with him, then we wrapped the month up at a friend's cabin sitting by the lake, fishing, boating...ahhhh, a good month.
June - softball started, my sister, husband and Hans had birthdays, (Hans turned 10!) went to the waterpark again, had my 14 YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! A great month!
July - Celebrated our independance at a friend's bash with the family and watched a great fireworks show, Hals turned 12, went camping, my nephew turned 12, saw my grandma again, went tubing on the lake, Hals went to bible camp , and both girls went to dance day camp, had a big family picnic with my mom's side of the fam, a day on the lake with my girlfriends, and a 50th anniversary party for my husband's aunt & uncle. Another great month!
August - A big fish fry at a friends with lots of fun and kids, a belated family birthday party for Hals & cousin, kids went to an Indian Museum with grandma, went to the legendary Paul Bunyanland, went school shopping, kids sang in church again, Hals went to an intensive dance camp, vacation bible school, my grandfather would have been 101 if he was still living, my son turned 7, we went to the beach a LOT, my in-laws had their 45th wedding anniversary, I became the secretary/treasurer of a business group, became a confirmation guide, and my daughter took gun safety classes. Again, a great month!
September - School started up again, my son had a big belated birthday bash at the waterpark, I began to lead a bible study group at church, wrote a devotion entry for a church compliation, and attended a business education forum. A good month.
October - Attended a friend's wedding at a resort and shared a room with 2 other couples, had a great night seeing tons of old friends, dancing and laughing! The girls were in a homecoming parade, my mom turned 59, my daughter went to Valleyfair, we went to a great kid's birthday party, had an awesome girlfriend's night, my friend turned 23, my daughter had a High School Musical 3 sleepover and I overloaded my minivan to get them all to the movie, my mother-in-law turned 61, we all got flu shots, I represented adult education at a church missions festival, worked at the church Halloween party with my nerd, skeleton and vampire diva, and turned 35. (REALLY?) A great month.
November - Voted, went to Biz Town for my 5th grader's field trip and worked the DJ booth, was a mystery reader in my son's class, Hals went hunting for the first time in her life, hosted a Tastefully Simple and Arbonne Party, had my first professional massage ever, bought flowers for a client who's husband passed away, sent out 7 sympathy cards due to 7 deaths, brought my husband to Duluth to see if his symptoms were due to Lymes Disease and he began treatment for it, daughter went to a middle school church gathering, moved my daughter's rooms to the basement, closed on a new loan for my husban'ds rental, celebrated Thanksgiving and attended a funeral for my daughter's good friend's mom the next day. A bittersweet month.
December - Did a colon cleanse, served coffee, lemonade and cookies at church after my kids participated in the Christmas program, stretched, kicked and danced with my girls, sent husband to a business seminar alone, took christmas card picture over and over as my son refused to cooperate, went Christmas shopping and had multiple christmas celebrations. A great month.
Regularly - shuttled kids to school, dance, church, softball, baseball, wrestling, friend's houses...worked...wrote, and all the regular stuff.
2008 was filled with family, friends, love and fun. There was sadness and great joy. Tomorrow 2009 begins. A brand new year to fill and celebrate.
Feedback Request
18 hours ago
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