Things that gave off an invisible unpleasant aroma today:
1. Bronchitis of the middle child.
2. Lack of large payments owed to us in the mailbox.
3. $45 Co-Pay at the clinic.
4. Spam faxes.
5. Telephone Solicitors and people who thought my work line was a fax line and never figured it out. Let's hope they don't try again tomorrow.
6. Forgetting that I didn't have eggs before mixing up the meatloaf and creating meat mush instead.
7. Gas prices rising again.
8. My hair. Super bad hair day because I tried a little something new. It didn't work.
9. Dead fish floating around in the fish tank. This one would maybe not be an invisible unpleasant odor...I didn't check.
10. Trying to get my food processor to work for a half hour before I figured it out.
Things that gave off an invisible pleasing aroma today:
1. Answered prayers.
2. Spending the day with my Bronchitis Kid and making her laugh.
3. Seeing my beautiful, sweet, loving sister. She is the other me.
4. Eating an egg roll from the grocery store deli and drinking a Mt. Dew with it.
5. Making my son laugh when I told him he had to really try not to kiss his sister cuz she is sick. The kid hates kisses, so it was funny.
6. Buying Mika songs on itunes.
7. Facebook.
8. Remembering to take my vitamins.
9. Getting a car wash and not having my doors freeze shut.
10. Trying to tell my daughter what I had put in my salad and instead of saying cucumbers saying coupons. "I cut up some coupons and added them to my salad..." Mmmmmmmmmmm.
11. Crossing things off my to-do list.
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18 hours ago
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