A tragic death in my family has left me a little speechless. Not too much to say about that at this point.
The hubster and I had a little time to ourselves this afternoon and we went and saw New In Town. http://newintownmovie.com It was very good. I loved it! There's a part where the main character has to relieve herself outside which will crack you right up! It is true; Minnesota Gals do know how to go outside and most of us HAVE done it. It may begin when you are in, say....high school? When you're at an outside gathering amongst a bunch of other high schoolers? And you're all drinking beverages out of plastic cups? So you have to go pee a lot? That's how it's mastered. You develop strong quads this way. One never goes alone, always in groups of two or more. You talk the whole entire time. This leads me to a true story:
We had just graduated from high school and were at a grad party for my friend. Two of us had to "go" so we left the party area and found a spot to squat. Just after we had finished and pulled up our pants a horn honked. Sure enough, it's a car full of boys, who had seen the show with our backs facing them. Which means that what had been exposed was facing them. Yep. The hinys. Flash forward two years and I married one of the guys in the car. (whom I had not yet met at that time) He was the one who had told the guy behind the horn to wait until we were finished. He's kinder now.
Feedback Request
18 hours ago
1 comment:
That's funny, but wonderful you married the guy in the car.
Morgan Mandel
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