April Fools Day has been a big thing in my family for years. One of my dad's biggest characteristics is his humor, which he got from his dad. He's always got a joke and he loves to goof off. He has passed this down not only to his daughters, but his grandchildren...specifically his grandsons. My sister and I very often rib each other with, "Okay, Dad!" when one of us has done or said something that sounds like our dad.
I think it was last year that I made my dad believe my sister was pregnant with her fourth child...I'm sure he didn't really believe it but hey, I gave my April Fools effort there.
This year my giggling 7 year old son called my dad and asked him in a super fake frantic voice, "Grandpa, can you...Grandpa, we landed in the DITCH! Can you...can you come get us out?" I heard my dad's immediate reply, "Okay! I'll be right there!" And then my son said, "APRIL FOOLS!" He was laughing hysterically because he truly believed he had "gotten" his grandpa. Then I heard my dad saying, "Oh, you got me! I was going to ask where you were...." Grandpa played the game well. I'm sure he was expecting the call.
Then Grandpa turned the tables and told my son to play a trick on my 12 year old daughter, which he attempted but his smile couldn't hide the joke. When she got on the phone with her Grandpa her pre-teen remark was, "Grandpa, I'm immune to your jokes by now." Nice. She's too old to fall for all the jokes, but too young to understand when you should just go along with it to humor someone. I know my dad got a smile out of that one, though, because he just chuckles with pride at how fast his grandkids are growing up.
Our April Fools Day finds us covered in 10 inches of heavy, thick, white snow. The kids were dismissed from school early yesterday because of the weather. Everyone is sooooooooooooo sick of winter. We're sick of the cold, the snow, the bad roads, the wind, the slush, the mess, the boots, the snowpants, the overflowing hall closets that are itching for the winter stuff to be stored for a couple seasons.... HOWEVER. Every person in my household who is SO SICK of winter had to completely awe at the gorgeous picture that God painted for us this morning. The trees are gorgeous and my son called our yard "blank". It was like a blank piece of paper just waiting for him to fill it with designs. I remember feeling like that as a kid, too.
So yes, we stopped to appreciate the beauty. But it can go now. I want me some Spring.
Feedback Request
17 hours ago
1 comment:
I'm sorry you have so much snow-and Springalready here. I'm enjoying balmy weather with a gentle rain.
Have a wonderful day!
Jay Hudson
Jay's writer's World
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