When I was a kid I loved scary movies and thrill rides. Bring on Freddy Krueger and Jason in the hockey mask! I loved them! The bigger the roller coaster the better! Now that I'm an adult I avoid horror like the plague and the kiddie coaster would be enough to set my stomach off. Occasionally I can watch the end of a scary flick and then be okay with watching the whole thing...weird, I know. I found this out by subscribing to HBO and watching Shutter and The Ruins. I ended up liking both of them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go watch Saw or even The Orphan! No thanks! I'll go see The Time Traveler's Wife and romantic comedies.
My lack of desire to sit on a ride as it clicks higher and higher into the air before a drop has disappointed my children, I do have to say. They cannot understand how I would not LOVE it as they do....or that I used to love it and then fell out of love. They think it's because I'm scared of something happening to me now that I'm a mother. That's really not it! If that was it, how good of a mother would I be allowing my children to endanger their lives? No....as the years have aged me I have grown very fearful of heights and my stomach just won't stay put when given too much of a jostle. It's a feeling that I'd rather avoid, like scary movies.
My friend did a study in college and found that there's something in our inner ear that isn't fully connected when we are young and as we grow it makes the connection between what we are seeing and how our bodies cope with it. That's not put the right way, but I was told about it years ago and I just don't fully remember how it went. However, it does make sense to me. I wish I had that free feeling of flying through the air and loving it! This has nothing to do with horror movies. I chalk that up to overexposure on my part!
Sorry kids ~ Mom will stand at the bottom of the rides and take pictures of your exuberant, smiling faces! Sorry kids ~ Mom will be known as the STRICT mom among your friens. (I've been told this by a tearful thirteen year old...) R rated movies aren't allowed yet. I allow PG-13, so I can't be all that bad, can I? My response to being told how awful I am because of my rules.... "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm your parent and it's my job." Thank you Love and Logic, for supplying my appropriate words!
Feedback Request
5 hours ago
I am much the same way, Stephany. I'm glad you explained the ear thing! I have a theory in regard to kids--if they never get angry with you, you are4 doing something wrong :-)
Todays horror flicks scare me, so I avoid them, usually.
We loved the old B&W Dracula and Frakenstein flicks.We were young then too!
I would run to the store for bottled cokes while my love popped popcorn.
Those were the days!
Jay Hudson
Jay's Writer's World
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