Friday, May 1, 2009

Book in a Nutshell

Who has a grin stretching from ear to ear today? Why that's me!

Who is dancing with excitement? Why, that's me as well!

Why? Well......... because I won a fun contest! The Knight Literary Agency put out a "Book in a Nutshell" contest and received over twelve hundred entries. I was among the top twenty winners! Wa-HOOOOOOOOOOO! Because of this, the agency will review my complete manuscript! I am so excited and so honored. I didn't win representation, of course, but it's still a feather in my cap and I really hope they like it. If they really like it, maybe I could possibly earn representation!?! I plan to get it out this weekend and then do a lot of writing and a ton of praying.


Li-An Austin said...

Way to go!! Congratulations! That's great news!

JanetElaineSmith said...

Cool! Congratulations. I hope it works for you. If not, just start singing, "I'm gonna pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again." But you never know until you take a risk, and placing that high is awesome! Way to go!

jublke said...

Congrats! That's wonderful and surely will lead to bigger & better things. :)

Anonymous said...

I think this is wonderful news! I saw that contest, but was too chicken to enter.
I hope you get signed because of it!

DOakley said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! I found out on Friday that I had won a book on a friend's blog! Not quite a publication contract, but I did win!

Cheers on us both winning something, this week!